What is “123 Living”?
And How Will It help make your life better – and you happier – Now, and down the road?
Are you ready to sort some things out once and for all?
The 123 Living Program is a place to learn all about what makes you, and the people and world around you, tick – so you can have more peace and confidence in every element of your life.
What would it be like to have immediate self-confidence in any situation?
You don’t feel anxious or overwhelmed before, during or after...
You prioritize and happily honour your commitments to yourself (no guilt! no shame!).
No one can tell you that what you’re thinking is wrong, or that you’re bad, wrong or stupid for thinking it.
In fact, no one can manipulate you into doing anything.
And you build more and more trust and safety and respect between you and the people in your life, because of your own ability to just know what is right and stick to it.
At the end of the day, you feel peaceful and content with yourself and how you lived your life.
And you wake up in the morning feeling a deep sense of peace and trust that you can thrive through whatever life brings your way.
Sound good?
That’s 123 Living!
What is 123 Living?
123 Living is a step-by-step process for quickly figuring out what is going on inside you and around you.
And that gives you the confidence to navigate life well.
123 Living shows you how to live more authentically and peacefully in this moment, and the next…
No more chronic insecurity or self-doubt;
No more worrying about the future or about what you’re going to do or say.
Just peace, trust, confidence, and the freedom to live your best life.
Who is Michelle Morand?
My name is Michelle Morand. For 27 years, I’ve been a counsellor to those with eating disorders, addictions, anxiety, depression and trauma - and I’ve helped thousands of men and women overcome those stressful problems and the many common issues that go along with them. -
I began to develop the 123 Living process through my own recovery from eating disorders and addictions and chronic co-dependence - so you could say I’ve personally road tested this approach to getting your life back and thriving through it all.
“Michelle is calm, wise, compassionate, trusting and specific. I felt she believed in me and that helped me believe in myself more.”
For over 25 years I’ve lived the experience of the peace and confidence I keep telling you about…and this 123 Living philosophy and step-by-step tools just keeps working regardless of what issue arises in my life as I age and go through different phases and changes in myself and with the people in my life and the world at large.
For 27 years I’ve been helping people all around the world to get past the things that were making them stressed and depressed and do things they didn’t want to do.
Imagine being able to completely step free of a way of thinking and feeling and behaving that has plagued you for years is like getting a new lease on life.
You finally feel like you’re in charge; like you’re driving the bus of your life, rather than hanging on for dear life from the back seat!
“I learned how to communicate effectively, hold space for myself and others, set boundaries...understand myself and what I need to function to be my best self. And how to view the world rationally and clearly. Self discovery on so many levels. It’s endless…”
Be Your Best Self
123 Living:
the ‘How To’ for the most important things in life…and your day-to-day choices, too!
Should you eat that?
Should you have that drink?
Should you say something? Or not? And if so, what?
Should you stay in and rest or go to the gym like you said you would?
Should you call that person back….? Do you have to?
How do you not get stuck on the phone or commit to things you know you don’t want to do…?
Should you be cleaning or working or doing something productive?
Should you date that person?
Should you end that relationship?
Is it you or them?
How do you know?
Should you change jobs?
Should you go back to school?
Should you move?
Should you buy that thing?
Should you join this program!?
Can it really be as simple as 123…?!
Wouldn’t it be great if the answer to these questions – and all the other big and small decisions that crop up as life happens to and around us – were as simple as 1 2 3?
Well, yes – it is!
So what’s the actual problem?!
The problem so many people, just like you, have, is not with relationships, food or alcohol or drugs or shopping or gambling or porn or perfectionism or gaming….
The problem is that you don’t have a simple framework for making decisions; for figuring out what makes sense, for now, and for the big picture - for you and for anyone else impacted by your choices.
And so you stay stuck. I mean, you might be moving ‘forward’ in certain elements of your life, but you’ll be feeling anxious and uncertain and not feeling the confidence and enjoyment in life that you could be.
This act of moving forward when you don’t feel 100% certain may feel very familiar – but it is not ever going to be a strategy that brings you self-confidence or anything close to inner peace.
In fact, feeling uncertain or reluctant or impatient or annoyed and moving forward anyway is pretty much the best way to tell that you don’t have a fricken’ clue how to do life! And, the truth is, it’s very fair to feel anxious when that’s the case. Right?
Your stress has a Legitimate cause – Always!
The good news is – your stress comes from a real place. And if you were to stop for a moment and allow for the possibility that the cause of your stress is not that there’s something wrong with you…then what other explanations could there be?
And, what if it wasn’t all about the other person/people either? (Though they may certainly have a role to play in why you feel as you do!)
“Michelle has a knack of getting to the root of an issue in a very quick, efficient way. She is very supportive of your goals and teaches you skills to use to resolve your problems as they arise. She taught me how to validate myself and my experiences and to look within for approval rather than from outside sources.”
What will you learn with me?
I am going to show you what’s really getting in the way of you feeling like you really understand yourself and the world around you.
And while I’m doing that, I’m going to show you how to see yourself and the world around you as things really are – the facts, as anyone would agree they are.
And then I’m going to show you the surprisingly simple solution to building solid self-confidence and truly loving, warm, open and rewarding bonds with the key people in your life.
“Working with Michelle has been life changing.”
The HOW TO For Life
You could say that 123 Living is the ‘How To’ for life.
Have a quick scan of the following list of common human sayings and philosophies and note how many of these you’ve heard and tried to apply in your own life. And how did it go?
The golden rule: Do unto others as you would have done to you…
The serenity prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference…
Be kind
Be supportive
Be helpful
Learn to say no
Set clear boundaries
Don’t be judgemental
Call people out on their crap!
Don’t make assumptions
Don’t be a busy body
Always do your best
Cut yourself some slack
Don’t take anything personally
Be impeccable with your word
Speak up for yourself
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Be as you are
Just be yourself
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Don’t take on other people’s stuff
You’re not responsible for how other people feel
Treat yourself, you deserve it
Be responsible
Relationships should be easy
Relationships require a lot of work /attention…
In fact, you’ve probably heard some, if not all, of these philosophical sayings. …Right?
And something about them seemed obvious right?
But what happened in reality when you tried to action on not just thinking about, but living these concepts?
There are literally thousands of other such great words of wisdom that have carried through the ages that you’ve likely heard and tried to understand and to act out in your day to day life.
But if you’re anything like me, you soon discovered that the ‘how to’ part was a little unclear…to say the least.
Do you ever think to yourself: I get it, but..Where Are The Tools?? Tell me HOW!!
So many times, I could intellectually understand the value of those words of wisdom, but when I tried putting them into action, I ran straight into so many barriers in myself and in the world around me!
And that lack of ‘how to’ information just made me feel even more anxious and crappy about myself.
It seemed like all those teachers and gurus and masters were saying that I should just know how to balance ‘doing unto others’ with ‘saying no’.
Or that I should somehow be able to find ‘relationships that are easy’ but still understand that I am going to have to work hard to make a relationship healthy- how hard? in what ways? what is the ‘right’ kind of work? and how ‘easy’ should it be???
If you’re like me this kind of dichotomy that exists everywhere out there is massively confusing and stressful – Seriously!
What was wrong with me that these simple truths seemed impossible to actually live in any consistent way?
Nothing, as it turns out!
At best you could say there was some key information I was missing – The ‘How To’ for all these ‘best practices’ and more.
How confident can you be when you have two different and competing philosophies with no actual education of HOW TO implement these concepts in your day to day life?
I’m willing to bet there’s nothing truly, fundamentally flawed in you, either. You just need a basic framework for making life make sense, and suddenly all these great ideas come to life, you just GET how to do it and life really begins!
So, if you’re ever heard anyone say any of the above sayings and thought to yourself:
‘Thanks, that sounds great, I’ll get right on that!…And...how exactly do I do that?’
123 Living is your guidebook for How To!
Think of it as your own personal Decoder Ring for Life!
“It feels like an extreme weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”