Are you feeling frustrated with your relationship with food right now?
Would you like to have more control in what or how much you eat, but you just can’t seem to make it happen?
Would you like to be able to just eat and not stress about it?
Maybe you’d be all in for that if you could just guarantee the number on the scale wouldn’t rise, and when you’ve tried to just relax with food before things went a little, or a lot, sideways? So you’d need to know that wouldn’t happen again right? And that’s hard to trust when your experience has been the exact opposite.
If this is you, it sounds like you’d really appreciate having a guide – a step-by-step ‘how to’ for having more peace and confidence in your relationship with food and in your body.
I’ve created a very special program just for you.
Well? What would it be like, if you could really trust yourself around any food, in any quantity, at any time?
What if you could trust that the number on the scale won’t go haywire and that you’re not going to just end up back where you started feeling even more hopeless and stuck?
My name is Michelle Morand and 30 years ago I was stuck in a vicious cycle of anxiety and stress about food and my weight and no matter what diets or programs or exercise regimens I tried, I always ended up in the same place. I was feeling increasingly panicked by watching my weight go up on the scale. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t stick to any plan for long enough to get anywhere.
I felt doomed. I felt like a complete failure. And that made me even more stressed. And made me eat even more…
And around and around I went for years, feeling increasingly hopeless and depressed, my weight climbing, and my loathing for myself and my body growing more and more every day.
I couldn’t have functional relationships with others, not really, because I was so preoccupied with what I was eating, and what they thought about what I was eating, or what they thought about what I looked like.
It just didn’t occur to me that they weren’t as obsessed or judgemental of me as I was of myself and my insecurity and stress just kept growing. I spent more and more time on my own and I dealt with my feelings of loneliness and failure by eating, and then by planning my next diet, and on and on I went.
Then I discovered something that literally changed everything for me.
And to this day, 30 years later, that discovery continues to provide me with self-confidence and the ability to completely side-step my old stressful relationship with food and deal with life in ways that bring me peace and self-esteem, and make everything else so much easier.
I’ve dedicated my life this past 30 years to helping others, people just like you, to experience the same freedom that I have.
I’ve spent more than 50,000 hours – yes – fifty-thousand hours – working one on one and in groups with people just like you.
And through the years I’ve continued to develop and refine my program to more accurately and quickly identify what’s really going on for you.
I’ve built a simple, easily adaptable and repeatable, and most importantly, transformative program that you can use to address the things that are getting in your way and remove those barriers to your happiness once and for all.
And to help you make this happen, I’ve distilled the most important elements from all my years of experience – the pieces that make the most difference in the least amount of time - and I’ve put them into a program that you can do in 15 minutes a day, for the next 30 days.
If you’d like to be in a completely different place with food by this time next month, this program will take you there!
The Two-Pronged Approach Wins Every Time!
Food is such a big part of every day for every human.
It’s a huge component of your survival, longevity and overall health now and down the road.
Food is often a big part of how we socialize and celebrate and interact with others.
It’s also a big part of how you deal with stress.
So when your relationship with food is erratic and stressful, it literally affects every area of your life.
If you can’t trust yourself to manage your food in a way that makes you feel proud; If what you say you want and what you are doing are not in alignment, you will naturally feel anxious and out of integrity. And that in and of itself creates stress.
When you are using food as an immediate gratification tool; a coping strategy for the stress of this moment, you’re actually creating more stress, less self-trust, less self-confidence and these effects trickle down to every other area of your life.
You know it, you’re living it!
Most people try to solve this problem by dealing with food – by dieting or not dieting or restricting certain things at certain times – but those approaches will not give you the lifelong success and freedom that you’re looking for.
Sound Familiar?
= binge
= More Stress
Ready to get off the roller coaster?
If the cycle that you’re stuck in is one of “Stress = Food Focus = More Stress” then it becomes obvious that the solution lies in tackling 2 key problems simultaneously.
1. The way you relate to food now;
2. AND The stressors that make you do it.
That’s the two-pronged approach that makes change stick! Practical tools for dealing with food now, and a simple strategy for taking care of the stress in your life, past, present and future, in ways that build self-esteem and make it even easier to side-step the food-stress power struggle.
For the next 30 days I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know to get a grip on food, and take care of those underlying stressors so that you can have more peace and ease in your daily relationship with food –
So that you can be in charge of what you eat, when and why and trust yourself to make choices that take care of the needs you have right now, and those big picture needs for your health and wellbeing in all areas of your life.
How it works:
You’re busy - and stressed - you don’t have a lot of time and energy for this stuff. I get it.
So, I’ve designed this program to work with your busy, high stress life and make it easy for you to start lowering your stress, think more clearly, make choices you are proud of, and thrive in every area of your life.
Every day you’ll get an email from me and I’ll share the most important thing for you to know about a key element of binge eating recovery – the practical, tangible stuff that you need to know to side-step the common pitfalls and move out of survival mode and into thriving mode.
You’ll also have a short experiment to do each day – something to be thinking about, writing about, or trying out – that will help you to make sense of why you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing and make it easier to side-step those old patterns and freely choose to do something that really will help you to feel better AND solve the underlying stressors in your life.
We’ll have a weekly live zoom webinar Q&A where you can ask me anything you want about what you’re learning and what’s coming up for you, and I’ll make sure you get the answers you need to better understand yourself and the world around you. (And in case you’re wondering, yes, these video events will be recorded and you can watch them anytime, now and for years to come.)
So, if you’re ready to be in a different place with food – if you want to be free of food and body image stress, join me.
Sign up now and get:
One month of daily insights and fun experiments designed to forever change the grip food has on you;
Join me for a weekly group ZOOM Q&A for some specialized fine tuning and tweaking of your learning; &
Join our private facebook group for daily support and discussion about all the insights you’re having and the interesting things you’re discovering.
Get the confidence and trust in yourself and with food that you dream of, starting now.